Part 3 of Behind the Photo. A behind the scenes look at a single photo, where and when it was taken and applying a ruthless photo critique technique. A bit like sticking something in the microwave for 30 minutes. Will it survive. will it be even remotely edible?

This photo is an important one in my portfolio as it is the forerunner to most of the Fine Art Street photos that feature at my website Pavement Pulse.
A forgotten photo that was buried on a backup hard drive. Taken pre pandemic way back in 2017 in my early days of “Street”it is one of two versions taken on that day.
Taken in Shoreditch Central London and taken on Red Church Street where I once lived years ago hence the photos title. Basically a photo of a reflection in a puddle and that is about it.
How was it taken? Camera low to the ground practically in the puddle.
Camera Used: Lumix GF3 (now shoot Nikon s9100)
Focal Length: Vintage 28mm lens which on M4/3 is 56mm FF equiv
Weather Conditions: Bright with thin cloud
Composition: Rule of thirds. On the vertical yes on the horizontal less so.
Texture. Wet tarmac mixed with a glass like water surface gives a high contrast texture look
Rule of odds? Incredibly powerful single person in silhouette massive in the frame. No mistake what the subject is!
Layering: Some subtle layering with the foreground being tarmac, mid layer the subject and background buildings and sky
Undisturbed scene: Subject totally unaware so yes undisturbed scene
Painterly? Slight painterly effect with some micro ripples over the subject
Story: Some hint of a story with the person in silhouette carrying a lot of luggage/baggage. Where have they come from. Where are they going?
Context: Another strong urban shot, but this one looks unmistakably London certainly UK
Technically: Tack sharp. What more can I say.
Lighting and Tonality: Extreme lighting or high contrast but plenty of tonality especially in the building. a good spectrum from light to shadow and all shades in between.
Mood: Another trade mark FJ dark and moody photo but with a sunnier disposition.
Subject? Is it the puddle? The tarmac and yellow line? The building? The sky? Really a mute question. Without a shadow of a doubt the subject is the person in silhouette!
Question marks over story or narrative in this photo, not strong but then again it has a mysterious air about it which turns it into a positive.
Connections: No complex connections going on in this photo. It’s hardly an Alex Web photo.
Not one of my top ten photos but considering it is from my early days in street way back in 2017 it’s pretty good. This got the thumbs up on Instagram but then it would as it is one of those photos that grabs the eye, but for me it just lacks a bit of depth. That would elevate it to another level that stops it scoring higher In visual terms. It confuses the eye and holds the attention for more than a few seconds trying to figure out what is going on here.
MY RATING: If a master photo is a 9 or 10….. I personally rate this as an 7.5/10. Not as good as Behind the Photo No2 which was an 8.5/10 but still good. Leave your comments below. Utter garbage, just another mediocre also ran street photo like 90% of them out there…….. or wow this is really something else?