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Waterloo and City Line: Underground Moments in London Capturing Urban Life

A complete opposite to the previous photo “London Girl” with just a solo woman walking through a light show spectacular. This is underground, it’s an ICM slightly blurred slightly painterly look. The women in the foreground in fact most of these people do not look like Londoners.

City Commuters in Black and White Blurred

When I was taking this photo it felt like I was holding up a giant mirror and they didn’t like what they saw. Not intentional and in no way judgemental but this is what these people have to go through on a daily basis but they earn incredibly good money which makes it all worthwhile for them. Taken 16 January 2024 smack bang in the rush hour at Waterloo Station Tube at the infamous The Waterloo and City Line exit.

Part of a number of photos taken that day at Waterloo Station!

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